Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Oh, come on, C. Are you really saying a man like you can't appreciate the glory of Lutyens' New Delhi?

You have gone down in my estimation.

Next you'll be telling me there's nothing special about his WW1 cemeteries in Flanders or the Cenotaph itself.

You can't have the India Gate war memorial on a par with a Gurgaon shopping centre.

I have looked at Google photos and they don't seem to have any cows. What's the point in building a Delhi suburb and making it look like Croydon* and not even letting the cows in?

{*Would suit Berni given that's where he schooled.}
Lutyens’ New Delhi is hardly representative of Delhi as a whole, is it?