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Thread: IstanbulWimb

  1. #1


    I need to go on a work trip. Need to book a hotel what do you recommend?

    Although I should know really.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Vegas View Post
    I need to go on a work trip. Need to book a hotel what do you recommend?

    Although I should know really.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
    Thanks LA. I think this is the one to pick

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Vegas View Post
    Thanks LA. I think this is the one to pick
    Was supposed to stay there last year - on my way some resort on the coast but the whole earthquake thing scuppered that

    also if you want some dining tips


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Vegas View Post
    I need to go on a work trip. Need to book a hotel what do you recommend?

    Although I should know really.
    Just book the best one.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
    Was supposed to stay there last year - on my way some resort on the coast but the whole earthquake thing scuppered that

    also if you want some dining tips

    I have never been. I was wondering if I can actually get a kebab or a haircut there or they don't actually do that sort of thing in Turkey.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Vegas View Post
    I have never been. I was wondering if I can actually get a kebab or a haircut there or they don't actually do that sort of thing in Turkey.
    There's more to Turkey then kebabs and haircuts.
    "Plenty of strikers can score goals," he said, gesturing to the famous old stands casting shadows around us.

    "But a lot have found it difficult wearing the number 9 shirt for The Arsenal."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by redgunamo View Post
    There's more to Turkey then kebabs and haircuts.
    will I have time to get new teeth?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
    That looks plush. How much does it cost?

    Can you get any fleapits for a few dollars a night there?

    When I first stayed in Delhi {'94-5} I paid a quid a night. Communal bog which was just a hole in the ground. In '96, I found one off the main drag opposite the huge, minging rubbish dump for 60p a night. That was my fourth hotel after getting chucked out of the previous three on the trot since we'd got up from Goa.

    The second one was up some stairs where the rooms were around an open-air space. We had the room behind the managers desk. Tried to switch the fan on. Didn't work. My {now late} mate punched the box on the wall with the fan switch and two plastic parcels fell out and the fan started working. Manager came in and asked what was going on. My mate puts his foot over the two finger sized parcels and says no problem, fan working now.

    When he was gone, we opened them up and saw white powder. I thought it'd be smack, so I got some foil and tried to smoke, but it ran too fast to be white smack. My mate said what else would it be? I said I dunno, but my mouth is going numb. I think it's coke. He said you wouldn't get coke in Delhi. I said I reckon it is, so give me fifty rupes, I'm gonna get some ammonia and wash it up into freebase crack.

    Had a great night. Over 10g in there which we shared with a couple of people we'd never met in another room but we found we had a mate in common with back in London. At the end of the night, we did a line of K to come down and sleep but the candle was left on and we were woken with the room on fire and the manager and police coming in. Thank Ganpati, they didn't find the K we had but got told to leave the next morning. Chucked out of two hotels in two days. The third, we lasted about 2-3 weeks before they chucked me out and I had to go to the flea pit by the rubbish dump.

    But nowadays, you can't get a hotel for under a tenner. It's a disgrace. It's great that India's getting richer, but it was much more fun when that bit of Delhi was full of western druggies living in quid-a-night rooms, with no cars, just pedestrians, cycle rickshaws and cows in the Main Bazaar. Used to share my 3am omelette sarnie with this gorgeous brown cow who slept nearby.

    Bet your hotel costs more. But do you have cows outside and very high purity coke hidden in the fan switch box?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
    That looks plush. How much does it cost?

    Can you get any fleapits for a few dollars a night there?

    When I first stayed in Delhi {'94-5} I paid a quid a night. Communal bog which was just a hole in the ground. In '96, I found one off the main drag opposite the huge, minging rubbish dump for 60p a night. That was my fourth hotel after getting chucked out of the previous three on the trot since we'd got up from Goa.

    The second one was up some stairs where the rooms were around an open-air space. We had the room behind the managers desk. Tried to switch the fan on. Didn't work. My {now late} mate punched the box on the wall with the fan switch and two plastic parcels fell out and the fan started working. Manager came in and asked what was going on. My mate puts his foot over the two finger sized parcels and says no problem, fan working now.

    When he was gone, we opened them up and saw white powder. I thought it'd be smack, so I got some foil and tried to smoke, but it ran too fast to be white smack. My mate said what else would it be? I said I dunno, but my mouth is going numb. I think it's coke. He said you wouldn't get coke in Delhi. I said I reckon it is, so give me fifty rupes, I'm gonna get some ammonia and wash it up into freebase crack.

    Had a great night. Over 10g in there which we shared with a couple of people we'd never met in another room but we found we had a mate in common with back in London. At the end of the night, we did a line of K to come down and sleep but the candle was left on and we were woken with the room on fire and the manager and police coming in. Thank Ganpati, they didn't find the K we had but got told to leave the next morning. Chucked out of two hotels in two days. The third, we lasted about 2-3 weeks before they chucked me out and I had to go to the flea pit by the rubbish dump.

    But nowadays, you can't get a hotel for under a tenner. It's a disgrace. It's great that India's getting richer, but it was much more fun when that bit of Delhi was full of western druggies living in quid-a-night rooms, with no cars, just pedestrians, cycle rickshaws and cows in the Main Bazaar. Used to share my 3am omelette sarnie with this gorgeous brown cow who slept nearby.

    Bet your hotel costs more. But do you have cows outside and very high purity coke hidden in the fan switch box?
    In the sort of places I stay these days (through work), if one has to ask the price, one isn't fit to stay there

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