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Thread: Is it just me...

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
    Chapeau, LA.

    Though he was undone by Matteus Rose, not Delilah.

    You've got me worried now, though. What happened to the last young, black, French player who many thought would become an all-time great who chose to wear no.2 instead of a more normal number for his position?

    I'd like Willy and BW to swap shirts, and ideally then take the 5 when TP retires or leaves.

    One of the many reasons I'd love ESR to fulfil his potential is that we could then have 7-8-9-10-11 in the attacking W of Herbie's {the original, not our won} W-M formation.

    We've had lots of 1;2-5-6-3;4 as DM over the years. But as we're only now playing a front 3 with two inside forwards behind them, we've never had the 7-11 numbers all in the right position. If BW becomes 2, Big Willy 5, and Timber takes the 3 next year, we're basically there, but with Dec as 41*, not 4.

    *Dec would either be the number 1 "4" in the world, or ten times better than any other "4" plus one for luck.
    At least you didn't mention the abomination that was Gallas "10". :shudder: Nelson Vivas in 7 was a bit weird as well

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
    At least you didn't mention the abomination that was Gallas "10". :shudder: Nelson Vivas in 7 was a bit weird as well
    What the **** was that about? Lets never mention that again.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by PSRB View Post
    What the **** was that about? Lets never mention that again.
    Besmirching the Bergkamp shirt, psrb, that's what.

    The dirty, dirty chelsea/tottenham fvcker.
    “Other clubs never came into my thoughts once I knew Arsenal wanted to sign me.”

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by IUFG View Post
    Besmirching the Bergkamp shirt, psrb, that's what.

    The dirty, dirty chelsea/tottenham fvcker.
    Should be redacted from anything related to Arsenal.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
    At least you didn't mention the abomination that was Gallas "10". :shudder: Nelson Vivas in 7 was a bit weird as well
    I think I'd blanked that from my memory, like that test in 2006.

    Allowing the Chavs to tap up Cashley and then just taking Gallas plus 5 mil is when it all started to go wrong for AW. Though we really should have paid Cashley what he was worth. Bit like AW refusing to pay more than 1 mil for a GK, until he bought that be-hatted Chelski reject when we could have kept Sir Ches.

    Please let Kai become a GG, not a Gallas, Cech, Willian't etc.

    Jorgy's been a decent buy for that money, btw. Gives experience and we have the option of next year without a silly, long-term contract if he loses form. Given TP's injuries and Kai's struggles, Jorgy and Dec together for tough matches is great. Jorgy makes those around him play better, the shot for the goal via the bar and the back of Emi's head was one of the highlights of last season. And God10 would have been proud of that pass to Saka for the first last night.

    If the ages were reversed, £65m for Jorgy and £12m for Kai would look about right. Please Ganpati, let Kai fulfil the vast potential he has.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
    I think the same. In the same way that BW, Ødin and Saka combine on the right, Gabby knew what he was doing with GX able to swap with him and/or Zinny. That's why, despite still hoping Kai becomes an all time great, I'd rather Fabio or ESR in the 10 {"left 8"} role.

    ESR's played LW and 10 and can switch with Gabby easily. Fabio could, too. Basically, like GX last year, he needs the same player in that role every game so they can develop and understanding.
    Basically, yeah! Xhaka tied all of that together and Havertz isnt doing it.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
    Basically, yeah! Xhaka tied all of that together and Havertz isnt doing it.
    Yup. Who'da thunk we'd all end up wishing GX was still with us? If we'd kept GX, not bought Kai, had a fit Timber and had £65m to spend in Jan after trying GX, ESR, Fabio, Zinny and Dec in the left 8 role to see what would be the best use of the money, we'd be in a better position.

    I pray to God that Kai comes good, ESR, TP5, Jesus and Timber all get and stay fit, Fabio keeps improving and fulfilling his potential and Eddie proves worthy of the No.14.

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