Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
One of the worst things about this thing going pop is that it'll embolden the more strident type of idiot fan into believing their own hype about fan power and they're going to be insufferable now.

Whereas in fact what seems to have happened is that these people decided to announce the Super League with absolutely no plan for what to do when it went down like a lead balloon and the leagues, UEFA and FIFA, governments, etc started making threats. I mean it is almost unbelievable that anyone would make a business decision of this magnitude without a credible plan, but that does appear to be what has happened.
Well spotted. I have taken particular delight in stupendously idiotic decisions made by the corporate world and this is one of them. Why would they decide to take that course of action, you ask? Zoom meetings.

As humans we are conditioned to 'read the room' with over half of our information from non-verbal tells. It's done unconsciously. This is 100% absent from Zoom meetings. Add the fact that the mute button masks many verbal signals and you have a recipe for decision-making disaster, which is what we have witnessed this week in Soccerball Land.