Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
They’re so excited to see some grass coming through, g. But we really need so spring rain to get the grass growing properly. Moulting? You could fill mattresses with what’s coming off them every day. Bless their hearts.

I’ve bought another field so they have more space to bounce around in. My babies
Oh, that's so sweet of you buying them some more land.

Without wishing to sound even thicker than normal, how hairy are horses? I only rode one once, a pony called Commando, on a ski slope north of Manali in the mountains. I rented him during the lunch break to take me to the English Beer and Wine shop {as I'm sure you know are what offies are called out there.}

It was about a 5-10 min walk from the slopes to the shop next to the lock up where we picked up the skis and boots. There was a pony-wallah offering rides. I asked how much. He said Rs 100 an hour. I said how much to go to the offie, cos it's hard to walk in ski boots. He said what? I said "English beer and wine shop. Going coming. Ek so ruppee? Tik hai?" He said good. Get on. His name is Commando.

As we were going round a corner, his back leg gave way. But he was 4 wheel drive and dealt with it. Cos he was a good pony.

I bought four cans of Hakke Beck lager. They are made with Himalayan spring water and imported German hops and yeast, according to that Reich Beer purity law of 1516. So it's quality Kraut lager made with holy Himalayan water blessed by Shiva himself. And the cans are gold like Spesh.

I had just wandered off, leaving the glw with the instructor. I rode down, got the beer, and rode back all the way to the table my beloved was sitting at with the ski-wallah. I felt like the Milk Tray man, C. I was so proud.

You see, C? Those ponies are good horses. They don't lose you money, they get you booze.

I'm so chuffed yours are making you happy. Btw, do you have to comb them? How hairy are they?