Quote Originally Posted by Monty92 View Post
I'm not offended, honestly. I just think it's revealing that you would never see the corollary point made that the "burden of work is still falling primarily on men", even though this would arguably be a far more fitting use of the word, for many reasons.

The use of the term "burden" is far more relevant here than in your example, not least because lugging speakers and amp racks up the stairs signals a lower status than being a DJ in a way that looking after kids rather than working should not, and yet does.
Idiotic whataboutery. The male work you refer to isn't unpaid, and the whole point of the report concerns mental health issues over unpaid work.

{Oh, and we didn't have higher or lower status with sound systems, or as parties/festies. That was the whole point. I was being facetious, but if a DJ's lugging his record boxes up, he can't really help carry the amp racks. But it was all about the fact that the "band", road crew and audience were all equals, with no backstage or VIP areas. That's why, when a raver asked one of SP23 "Who are Spiral Tribe?" the answer was "You are."}