Quote Originally Posted by Maravilloso Marvo View Post
Some facts for you WES

1. The nurse at the school is right, you do not need to have ALL of the symptoms. Just 1 is enough to trigger the rules of self isolation for him and the household (I hope you are all adhering to that now).

2) Mrs WES was very wrong to drive to the test centre and ask for a test without an appointment. It is very irresponsible to be aimlessly driving about with a potentially infected patient(s). Having had a test myself, I can tell you there is just no way that would happen, its all drvien by your QR code and you being in the system before you start.

3) There may be plenty of capacity at that centre but you are not factoring in the lab where they process the samples. They will have several test centres sending to them and have their own capacity limit. Very likely that this limit is hit and meaning appointments can't be released at the under capacity test centre.

4) From my experience, you have to just keep trying the gov website. As regularly as you can do, they release them in batches. I had success at 8.30 in the morning but I am told they are released continuosly at various points in the day.

5) I don't know how true this is but if you can only get a slot at a test centre 50 miles away, you can book that and then go to your local under capacity test centre and have them do it there. As I said, its driven by you being in the system to start with, once you are in you can "get away" with using a different test centre. I would guess this depends on the test centre, the person there and whether they take a shine to you or not.

Hope this helps!
Thanks Marv and hope all is well with you and yours.

1) He doesn’t have any of the symptoms, his ‘cough’ is just a sore throat, it is not chesty, it is not repetitive. He has not coughed once since returning home. The nurse was being overly cautious, probably because of the Covid hysteria being generated by misleading information from people like Witty and Valance who are more concerned with not being wrong than they are with providing accurate, constructive information to the general public. Mrs WES subsequently went through an NHS Q&A online check and he is considered to be ‘unlikely’ to have Covid.
2) Sorry, no idea what a QR code is but Mrs WES wanted a test as soon as possible as testing as quickly as possible is actually a really good thing for our society. The fact that she ended up at a centre with plenty of capacity but could not get one is a testimony not to her negligence but to the government’s incompetence.
3) That would explain a delay in a test being processed but should not result in a test not being conducted at all.
4) Many thanks we will keep trying
5) As above