Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Other than the fact that the president has only ruled for 5 years since Chiraq's 2nd term (2002-7), I'm so glad you agree with my French Commie mate's reasoning for supporting Melenchon's France Insoumise {FI}.

His sole manifesto was creating a 6e République based on the British system {well, Indian with a titular president, not a monarch.} He would then have called fresh elections straight away.

The the socialists had pulled out in 2017, and a chunk of that 6% voted for Melenchon, he'd have made the run off.

But good to see you agree with us Gilets Jaunes types. There's hope for you yet.

{When my mate told me FI's plans and I said it was basically the system we'd been telling you to use for over 200 years, he laughed and said that was the problem - if it hadn't been what the Brits had suggested, France would have done it years ago.}
I would of course support democrats against dictators. Being ruled by decree as the French are is no way for a supposedly significant nation to carry on.

Mind you, I do suspect a large number of the Gilets Jaunes are only there because they want to retire on full pay at 55. Idle commie frog swine.