Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Correct. They wanted a GE when May (who was electoral poison) was in charge - or after No Deal to exploit any difficulties that arose. They're terrified of one now against Boris (whose personal popularity ratings are surging).

Problem is, no Leader of the Opposition can reject the chance of an election and hope to retain any credibility - let alone be able to get away with wibbling a load of old balls about 'coups' and 'An unelected Prime Minister' (don't get me started on that, btw).

Mind you, it's questionable how much credibility Corbyn still has to lose.
Not often I agree with Tony B, Labour shoudl avoid an election as a Brexit election, they should be pushing for a second Ref if that is what they actually think......New leader syndrome is likely to see a Tory bounce and the real winners would be the Lib Dems and the Tory party.....Labour likely to be squeezed as nobody knows what they actually stand for (Tory party are split but the power is now with leave)