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Thread: A bit of a poll / open discussion...

  1. #1

    A bit of a poll / open discussion...

    I want awimb to return to it's former glory - How do I achieve this?

    Hosting is becoming super expensive, and frankly if people desert awimb the way they have been doing it'll simply become too expensive to host, and never mind former glory, it'll just disappear.

    I know that social media has overtaken forums to a certain extent, but we're better than that aren't we?

    I want input from you lot - speak now please - how can it be improved?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris+ View Post
    I want awimb to return to it's former glory - How do I achieve this?

    Hosting is becoming super expensive, and frankly if people desert awimb the way they have been doing it'll simply become too expensive to host, and never mind former glory, it'll just disappear.

    I know that social media has overtaken forums to a certain extent, but we're better than that aren't we?

    I want input from you lot - speak now please - how can it be improved?
    I'll chip in a few bob to help keep the auld thing going, if that's any use.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    I'll chip in a few bob to help keep the auld thing going, if that's any use.
    Very generous Ash, but I've never taken money off anyone yet and I don't want to start now

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris+ View Post
    Very generous Ash, but I've never taken money off anyone yet and I don't want to start now
    Chris+ !! We appreciate your efforts. If there's one thing we need it's a return to a robust tree view. It's too much effort to enter every little thread. We lose the wit, the wisdom, the lunchtime menus. Little help bro. And if there is a little expense maybe we can shake out a few pennies for it. :thumb up:

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris+ View Post
    Very generous Ash, but I've never taken money off anyone yet and I don't want to start now
    Ah, well. In which case I'm fresh out of ideas. Social media has in many cases reduced activity on the old forums and I don't think it's reversable. A few posters have seemingly returned in recent days, and maybe if AW starts doing silly walks up and down the touchline at Watford, who knows?

    People will demand the tree view back and so on, but I don't know if it makes much difference. Smileys in the title line might help a bit though.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Ah, well. In which case I'm fresh out of ideas. Social media has in many cases reduced activity on the old forums and I don't think it's reversable. A few posters have seemingly returned in recent days, and maybe if AW starts doing silly walks up and down the touchline at Watford, who knows?

    People will demand the tree view back and so on, but I don't know if it makes much difference. Smileys in the title line might help a bit though.
    Don't listen to him, Chris. It's treeview or bust.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by eastgermanautos View Post
    Don't listen to him, Chris. It's treeview or bust.
    It's not, though. It's faster reading threads on here where people quote than it was to click every reply in the old world.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    It's not, though. It's faster reading threads on here where people quote than it was to click every reply in the old world.
    100% disagree. You have these little pokey threads. You have to scroll down, you can't see people's messages. It was fun just to be able to canvas what all people were saying. Now you have to subscribe. More active, rather than just being a happy veg.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by eastgermanautos View Post
    100% disagree. You have these little pokey threads. You have to scroll down, you can't see people's messages. It was fun just to be able to canvas what all people were saying. Now you have to subscribe. More active, rather than just being a happy veg.
    Have to subscribe? Not sure what you mean there, ega. I just click on a thread and can read it all with a touch of a scroll wheel and, if we're lucky, a click on a next page number. Less clicks than in the old world where you what to locate and click on each post in the tree.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Have to subscribe? Not sure what you mean there, ega. I just click on a thread and can read it all with a touch of a scroll wheel and, if we're lucky, a click on a next page number. Less clicks than in the old world where you what to locate and click on each post in the tree.
    The benefit of all the clicking was the punchline aspect of seeing a title and then having to work to see the body text. tbf this could work and much of the AWIMB style and humour used this. I don't think this describes what you're missing though.

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