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Thread: Given the choice, would you rather be Kikuyu or Maasai?

  1. #1

    Given the choice, would you rather be Kikuyu or Maasai?

    The Maasai have the music and dancing and warrioring going on, but the Kikuyu get to eat proper grub, not blood and milk.

    I must say, I'm finding it quite the dilemma.

  2. #2

    You couldn't be Masai. Your knees would never stand up to all that jumping up and down.

  3. #3

    They're the coolest of cool dudes, though.

    The blood and the milk

    Do you know what? I might just stop as I am.

  4. #4

    What would you know? You've never vaulted Bison at a certain level

  5. #5

    Yeah. I'm also pretty sure you'd be dead at your age if you were a Masai.

  6. #6

    I had my first real experience of Africa at the hands of a Maasai, j.

    Man, I was a wide-eyed youth, fresh to the Dark Continent, and he showed me things which would make your eyes pop out of your head; but he did it with such love and such gentleness that I was almost able to get over the stench of stale milk which surrounded him.

    Happy days, j.

  7. #7

    You know you managed to make that sound quite homo-erotic right?

  8. #8

    I would be Mandari, looking after my cows and then washing myself in their **** and piss Clound Nine

  9. #9

    That's pretty much how the Japanese feel about us

    My first experience of Africa was being abducted in a souk in Tunis. Thankfully my old man managed to intervene, using his full cockney geezah repertoire like and save me from life as a white slave.

    Simpler times...

  10. #10

    I suppose it was, in essence. I certainly fell in love with him a little bit.

    There was no genital touching, of course. But still.

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