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Thread: On the Victoria line heading towards Finsbury Park last night and a dishevelled young bloke next to

  1. #1

    On the Victoria line heading towards Finsbury Park last night and a dishevelled young bloke next to

    me started being very aggressive towards a chap who was minding his own business. The bloke shat himself and jumped off the train, at which point I considered doing the same as I didn’t fancy getting stuck in an enclosed tube train with an aggressive mental who may have a weapon and is presumably in the throes of some kind of psychotic episode.

    Doors eventually close and we move off. About a minute later, the bloke starts on the chap next to me, who, being a feisty Irish sort, immediately fronted him out. Because of my position, I was clearly next in line so started to move down the carriage and jumped off at H&I amid lots of screaming.

    You want to intervene, but how are you supposed to reason with an unhinged mental in an enclosed tube train? Is it best to stay out of it unless things escalate?

    What would my fellow Awimbers have done in this situation?

  2. #2

    Pull the red cord when it gets to a station.

  3. #3

    We got stuck in a tunnel while it was happening.

    Although by this time I had bravely ran away to the other end of the carriage :jewish:

  4. #4

    I presumed such situations were precisely what all you

    benders were frequenting gym classes, and befouling the landscape s****ing about the place in your jogging trousers, in preparation for

  5. #5

    Firstly, this is the tube, even if he stabs you do not engage in eye contact

    I think you handled it in a textbook fashion, as befits an experienced Londoner.

    You obviously couldve done without wetting yourself but as you didnt immediately drop to the ground and offer to suck his dick in exchange for any small degree of mercy I think you handled the situation rather well.

  6. #6

    Hahah, you didn't literally JUMP OFF,did you? You woudl have looked like

    a bit of a prat doing that. I think you did the right thing though - no point in unecessary altercations with psychos. If he was bothering an old lady or someone defenceless in front of you though, the right thing would have been to stay there and try to help. As you describe it, you did what most people would do. Did you - inmid-flight - wish cancer upon him at least?

  7. #7

    I got stuck in your mum's tunnel last night.

  8. #8

    Was it Claude from ArsenalFan TV?

    He must have been suicidal last night the poor thing

  9. #9

    What was he saying/doing?

    My usual move is to say f**k off and then walk off :smoothexit:

  10. #10

    When it comes to the mentals, I think all masculinity bets are off, to be fair.

    Discretion is very much the better part of valour with the deranged and ****eing it is more socially acceptable than it might be in other circs.

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