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Thread: Suitwimb. What do you gents do if you ruin both sets of trousers

  1. #1

    Suitwimb. What do you gents do if you ruin both sets of trousers

    But it was a nice suit and the jacket is in good condition. But you can't find new trousers to match it.

    What are the rules of jackets not matching the trousers.

  2. #2

    Write it off, basically

    I've got a nice grey suit that I had that happen to but I managed to find a nice match.

  3. #3

    Both sets ? That's slightly unusual

    You **** yourself, didn't you

  4. #4

    Jackets which are designed to be worn with unmatching trousers have

    a different cut to suit jackets, f. I would advise earnestly against the course you are suggesting

    You will look like a homeless who got lucky in a skip, or perhaps Jeremy Clarkson. :jacketnjeans:

  5. #5

    Throw it away. Apolgoes, Sir C - that was meant for Fash.

  6. #6

    These are called Blazers.. sc

  7. #7

    Buy a new suit and charity shop the jacket (or bin it)

  8. #8

    Or hacking jackets. Or sports jackets.

  9. #9

    wear the jacket with some jeans when tarmacing the neighbours drives as you have some left over imo

  10. #10

    I think we're burying the lead here, tbh.

    How the f**k do you 'ruin' two sets of suit trousers in a short period of time? Severe dystentery? Rapid weight gain?

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