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Thread: “I think, once the players are on the pitch, they are

  1. #1

    “I think, once the players are on the pitch, they are

    focused on the job. Sometimes, I didn’t even know if it rained or not during the game because you’re so much in the game that you do not focus too much on what is happening in the stands.”

    Just saying...

  2. #2

    Who said that?

  3. #3

    SFC there, admitting he doesnt know if it's raining or not

  4. #4

    The SFC actually, but basically every professional ever.

  5. #5

    Surely all those players who can't do it on a rainy night in Stoke

    must realise it is raining. Or do they just realise they are in Stoke?

  6. #6

    They read all these things on Twitter, I suppose.

  7. #7

    I have spoken with a professional footballer on this very subject.

    I am not Monty however and don't make a big play of such encounters. Nor am I a puny mummy's boy hebrew who managed to sire the first chick who let me bury my balls into her thus being locked forever in a painfully unhappy relationship.

    Anyhow, I digress.

    I asked said player what it was like to play in an extremely hostile atmosphere, consider what some media would call the most hostile in the UK.

    "A good laugh".

  8. #8

    Old Firm Derby?

    As you wouldn't speak to a hun, this must have been a Celtic player, hence the hostile ground must have been Ibrox.

  9. #9

    There you are then.

  10. #10


    He played against us also.

    Pints, naturally.

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