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Thread: Thinking of joining the sugar-free fad diets?

  1. #1

    Thinking of joining the sugar-free fad diets?

    Foods forbidden by the diet:

    Sugar; alcohol; ready-made meals; bread; pasta; juice; sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola; Fanta; lemonade; Pepsi; fruit, cakes, prepared meats such as ham, salami, sausages, pates; honey, canned foods – eg chopped tomatoes; prepared salad dressings; prepared sauces; prepared soups; jam; carrots; potatoes; sweet potatoes; peas; pastries; cereals; dried fruits; instant gravy; sauces; pies; puddings; biscuits; smoothies, flavoured yoghurts.

    What can one actually eat/drink ffs?

  2. #2

    You can't go around forbidding alcohol, for God's sake! That's not a diet, that's a sentence.

  3. #3

    The piece I stole that from in the Graun is actually pretty good.

  4. #4

    It is Suzanne Moore, though. Which is, if anything, worse. Frown

    Ghastly old harridan. Her, not you.

  5. #5

    Your mum's a ghastly old harridan.

  6. #6

    Too thin bit-of-stuff from the Matrix film?

  7. #7

    I dont even drink, at least not regularly, and I wouldnt do that

    What are you thinking, man?!

  8. #8

    Errrr I have absolutely no intention of joining in. I'd have to give up pasties.

    Very much in vogue atm though with the tv programme and sugar tax being mooted.

  9. #9

    Phew, thank god for that. You'd be a *nightmare*

  10. #10

    Monica is not too thin

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