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Thread: Yaaaaay, Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire!

  1. #1

    Yaaaaay, Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire!

    Booooo, Donald Trump won New Hampshire.

    He's a massive New Hampshire fan.

  2. #2

    Yaaaaay - his older brother is called Larry

  3. #3

    Imagine Jeremy Corbyn's state visit to the US to meet President Bernie though

    They'd have a really nice drum circle, pass round the chillum, play some pan pipes and then tuck in to a lovely nutroast.

    World Peace

  4. #4

    Bernie Sanders won a primary in his neighbouring state that he was always going to win Shrug

    He's still doomed.

  5. #5

    I didnt have you down as a Hillary man, b

    Jeb 2016?

  6. #6

    Oh, I don't really care. They all piss in the same pot and it makes zero difference to me.

    I'd rather like Trump to win, though. Just for ****s and giggles, really.

  7. #7

    Really B, Yankee politics?

    Wrong 'uns.

  8. #8

    Plus it would satisfy your hard-on for mutually assured nukilar annihilation

  9. #9

    Oh, it's the most ludicrous electoral system in the world. It could almost be designed to remove

    anyone of any ability and just leave you with the loonies and dullards who happen not to have any skeletons in their closets.

    No wonder they end up with such non-entities.

  10. #10

    Yes. I want to die in a nuclear war along with everyone I care about. Indifferent

    What a very silly thing to say, j.

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