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Thread: f**king Facebook

  1. #1

    f**king Facebook

  2. #2

    My sister-in-law - who I'm happy to say I've never met - is possibly the most passive-aggressive

    person on Facebook - and as we know, that involves some stiff competition.

    So, for instance, she'll post a picture of herself with some friends from a while ago and accompany it with a message like:

    'Such happy memories. Hard to believe two of these people would betray me just 18 months later'

    Or she'll post something like: 'It's amazing to me that some people can smile at you while stabbing you in the back'

    She is barking mad.

  3. #3

    Yes, that's exactly the sort of thing it seems to have been invented for

    Though that image is breathtakingly f**king annoying for so many reasons, it makes designers cry, it makes anybody with a rudementary grasp of the english language cry....

    Quite frankly it's the perfect storm of needy, irritating ****e

  4. #4

    I am sorely tempted to remove the bleeding thing from my portable telephone.

    You have 17 notifications of banal, needy and narcissistic ****, 3 messages which you won't even find because this alert will only take you to a page of people you have never heard of trying to friend you, and two people have commented on a photo you have been tagged in that you wish had not been taken let alone published on the sodding interwebs.

    Though the group messaging is useful. Yes, I know other systems are available but everyone has that one.

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