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Thread: Jaffa cakes

  1. #1

    Jaffa cakes

    Personally I think they are f**king disgusting.

  2. #2

    I don't mind them, but sometimes I wonder how you'd tell if they were stale.

    They're sort of, well, spongey.

    Also, they're half the size they used to be. Like Wagon Wheels.

  3. #3

    I never liked Wagon wheels, I used to like Rolos

    but I was very upset if my grandmother turned up with Munchies as a substitute.

  4. #4

    I actually bought a packet of Rolos over Christmas. First time I've had them in years.

    They were nice, but not as nice as when I was 11.

  5. #5

    Wagon Wheels were great when I was a kid. They were the size of an actual wagon wheel.

    You could chew on one all day.

    Munchies were great, as well - although i think I once bought mint flavoured ones by mistake. And what a mistake.

    Rolos glue your teeth together.

  6. #6

    I had an urge to buy a pipe of pringles yesterday.

    Not bad. I haven't had them for years.

    2 pounds 50 though. Bad value.

    Do they still sell penguin bars?

  7. #7

    I loved cherry drops though nearly choked to death on one.

    Choc dips was alright.
    eat all the cracker/biscuit things then whip out a spoon.

  8. #8

    I think so. Pringles are vile. Horrible, fake things.

    I mean obviously, if you leave me alone in a room with them I'll eat them all, but I will hate myself for doing so.

  9. #9

    Nod Penguin biscuits are still going strong.

  10. #10

    Smile I prefer them to Club.

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