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Thread: So apparently Weller is boring people to tears on his latest tour

  1. #1

    So apparently Weller is boring people to tears on his latest tour

    1, 2, 3, 4,.....

  2. #2

    He's been boring me to tears for nearly thrity years now. Him and Jonathan.

  3. #3

    That's not Entertainment?

  4. #4

    Listen here Maurice.

    f**k off.

  5. #5

    Tears of joy you German *******.

    Pure joy.

  6. #6

    Did they actually find anything in Hanover last night, or was it just an excuse to avoid a whupping

    from the Oranje?

  7. #7

    What size venues is he playing on this tour? Without being facetious, the last time

    I saw him live was about6 years ago, and he played a f**king council leisure centre. In Crawley. In the gym. With the squeaky floor and everything.

    You can imagine the acoustics

  8. #8

    Lights go up, **** comes tumbling out.

  9. #9

    The Olympia is about 1300.

    Best venue in Dublin by a mile. Mix of standing downstairs and a circle area upstairs which is seating but my only time there (The Charlatans 1997) I of course stood.

    Similar to your experience I saw him at the RDS around 2009 (22 Dreams) and it was an enormous cow shed, a shocking experience I have to say, and I say that fully acknowledging that he played Eton Rifles that night.

  10. #10

    unneccesary use of - on his latest tour ..imo

    boring old pseud muso cnut that he is

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