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Thread: Time to start hiding from the trick-or-treaters

  1. #1

    Time to start hiding from the trick-or-treaters

  2. #2

    Or waiting for them

    I've got about half an hour until I have to take four eight year old girls trick or treating :-/

  3. #3

    Just read this in the comments section of the DM >

    Anyone else dressing up as 3 points and scaring Chelsea fans tonight...

  4. #4

    Re: Time to start hiding from the trick-or-treaters

    classic and completely true trick or treat story from a few years ago

    one year I heard some kids come to the door, and my wife sent them on their way with something - I didn't think we had any treats in the house, but she said we had some chocolate santas (marshmallow covered in chocolate) in the back of the pantry left over from xmas

    later that week I fancied something sweet and one of the santas was left over - I unwrapped it and the chocolate had a slightly white sheen to it, but I took a big bite

    my mouth was immediately filled with the foulest, most rancid taste - it turned out the white sheen was mold, and the santas weren't from the previous xmas, or even the one before that - they had passed the "best before" date two years previously

    I've always wondered what happened to the kids who took the santas - hopefully their subsequent illnesses were attributed to too much chocolate rather than the poisoned batch my wife inadvertently gave them

  5. #5

    Re: Or waiting for them

  6. #6

  7. #7

    hehe Classic Jimmy

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