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Thread: Thhe view of my street. TV media waiting for father of kiler to appear

  1. #1

    Thhe view of my street. TV media waiting for father of kiler to appear

  2. #2

    drive by media, harrassing and causing trouble

  3. #3

    2nd Amendment good, 1st Amendment bad?

    Neo con in ****ting all over the Constitution shocker

  4. #4

  5. #5

    do you know what the first amendment is?

    thought not.

    Asshole in making an ass out himself shocker.

  6. #6

    The 2nd is the only one they pay attention to. The 1st they know just to find a rationale to ignore


    "No gay marriage by the U.S. gov't because it conflicts with what Jesus said." [in my interpretation of selective reading of the Bible.]

    Insane Clown Posse has been usurped by the Tea Party methinks.

  7. #7

    hehe Then again, you shouldnt restrict his right to be an Assholian

  8. #8

    You don't know what the first Amendment says either

    no surprise

  9. #9

    f**k me alex played yourself again!wtf has 1st amendment to do with flouncing about in frocks

    gay marriage, transgender cockknocking *******s ?

    "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights."

    if you even try and use the freedom of speech bit to legitimise transgender gay marriage pontification then let me introduce you to PIE ..***** info exchange..from the 70's as if you decide that freedom of speech includes transgender then whoare you to say that *****s are wrong ? or rapists? freedom to rape..freedom to f**k cats..get a grip man

  10. #10

    Easy Peasey Snin. I said they don't care about the others, only the one.

    Then gave an current example of how they ignore the 1st.

    What's so hard about that? Do pay attention.

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