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Thread: OK, it's not exactly Nostradamus, but I'm claiming it.

  1. #1

    OK, it's not exactly Nostradamus, but I'm claiming it. 174&rid=22&S=0bd519efa5688d54ded9d845e01c74c5

    In other news, mosquitoes can f**k off biting my legs. Little c**ts.

  2. #2

    It's odd, that. I've got several mossie bites, and I never get bitten.

    They hate the taste of me.

  3. #3

    you've obviously not been doing enough drink,smoke and ting imo as I only get bitten

    when being not unhealthy enough imo

  4. #4

    You could tell the body language was wrong in the tunnel before the game.

    All lined up nice and proper but not one of them carrying a sign or sign’s to tell West Ham that we meant business.

    Let’s be brutally honest here, we lost but you had to laugh.

  5. #5

    Maybe you've become more flavoursome since you got clean?

    Maybe cocaina is a mosquito repellent and no-one's telling us?

    By the way, is everything OK after Saturday? Only I was shown a picture of you conversing with a gentleman of Afro-Caribbean origin and - given your track record of uttering hate speech when speaking to ethnic minorities after a few drinks - I wanted to make sure you hadn't had your collar felt or anything.

  6. #6

    I remained almost 100 pc racially sensitive.


  7. #7

    That might well be it. Yesterday, not a single drop of booze passed my lips.

    Except two beers.

  8. #8

    OK. Well anything short of the N-bomb is good, really, isn't it?

    Oh God. You didn't have your conversation about how it's just a word and we shouldn't get so upset about it, did you?

  9. #9

    Nod Frown

    I was also goading him to do better than 'cracker', on the grounds that it just isn't offensive

  10. #10

    Oh dear. Frown This isn't good. At least tell me he was drunk, too.

    Or did he point out that it was impossible to replicate the offensiveness of the N-word without also replicating the hundreds of years of oppression, humiliation, denigration and slavery with which it is invested?

    Or was he - :gulp: - really polite and nice about it?

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