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Thread: Let's have a nice soft subject on Friday afternoon.

  1. #1

    Let's have a nice soft subject on Friday afternoon.

    I see on a daily basis IS are the new bad kids on the block.

    If in the past countries have gone to war with factions under the official reason of wiping out terror.

    Why does organisation such as IS exist?

    What I am really saying is I was hoping for some military response to recent events as it's good telly

  2. #2

    They exist because we keep meddling in their f**king business Hide

  3. #3

    Your mum's a nice soft subject

    tap in..

  4. #4

    As I am a simpleton I do not know the BBC's agenda. But I dislike the way they talk.

    Why do they talk in this certain tone when bringing the news to the public?

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Look. There wouldn't be railways in India, if we didn't meddle in peoples business.

    Colonialism wasn't all bad you know.
    I'd bet a fair chunk of Zimbabweans would leap at the chance of having an exhumed Ian Smith back, rather than stick with Mugabe.

  7. #7

    Even more difficult when good muslim parents unwittingly harbour their radicalised children.

    We should remember the wise words of Remo Gaggi in Casino, when he issued the order for several members of his 'family' to get whacked, in an effort to clean up any mess.

    'Why take a chance '

  8. #8

    I'll wager some of those ISIS dudes wear desert boots.

  9. #9

    I didn't make any moral judgment tbf

  10. #10

    Just to let you know sw, you're right. Desert boots are, and always will be, cool.

    For all ages as well.

    Currently I have black leather ones:

    I'm also wearing some low ones of this variety as I type:

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