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Thread: My (current) favourite restaurant for dinner tonight Clound Nine

  1. #1

    My (current) favourite restaurant for dinner tonight Clound Nine

    As you can see, this is a very pleasing menu. What would you order? (Choose 3 - 5 dishes each.) estreettablematmenuJune2015.pdf

  2. #2

    Sorry if they can't get the prices written down correctly it is ****

  3. #3

    i would definitely have the Siberian Pork Ribs because Ive never been Russia before

    Quality place mate.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    You can't understand their shorthand, p? What a shame.

    You wouldn't like it anyway, to be honest. It would all be a bit fancy and foreign for your, shall we say, lumpen tastes :thicknortherner:

  6. #6

    Disappointing lack of milk fed lamb's *******s.

  7. #7

    I don't see the potatoes there

  8. #8

    Disappointing lack of lager imo

  9. #9

    If they are so lazy about getting their prices correct, they are likely to be equally as lackadasica

    about their hygeine.

    But you being a dirty Belg' won't care about that :twocanplayatthatgame:

  10. #10

    I see the Ivy has re-opened... hope it hasn't lost its charm

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