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Thread: Game of Thrones should be ace tonight. Wildlings and White Walkers Clound Nine

  1. #1

    Game of Thrones should be ace tonight. Wildlings and White Walkers Clound Nine

  2. #2

    Not forgetting the Khaleesi/Midget scenario

    If I were a betting man I'd have a few quid on Jorah Mormont staring off into the middle distance like some sort of medieval catalogue model.

    Also, where's Varys got to?

  3. #3

    What's going on with the small lesbian and the stiffs?

    That's all very odd.

  4. #4

    To be honest, I can't think of a better way of neutralising a good character than sticking him in

    the bore-fest that is the Daenerys storyline.

    With that tedious raspberry Bran having finally f**ked off, she is now officially the show's dullest character. She manages to make dragons boring, ffs!

  5. #5

    Eh? Are you watching Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by the way?

  6. #6

    Surely Sansa is the queen of dull

    Though I have to say with her hair down she looks much hotter

  7. #7

    Where else do you think they get all those faces?

  8. #8

    As a character, yes. But she is at least around in interesting plotlines, whereas Dany isn't

    Mind you, Sansa shades the 'Worst actress' award. so much so that I'm surprised Ramsay Snow's dick isn't full of splinters.

  9. #9

    I've only seen the first one so far. Enjoyed it.

    I struggled with the book, though.

  10. #10

    Oh, yes. Arya. I'd almost forgotten her.

    Presumably, next time we see her, she'll be someone else.

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