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Thread: So Benteke. Not having watched much of him before Saturday, I was constantly being told what an

  1. #1

    So Benteke. Not having watched much of him before Saturday, I was constantly being told what an

    enormous threat he represented and how people were talking about paying 32 million quid for him.

    Imagine my bemusement, then, when what appeared to be a black Lee Chapman turned up on Saturday, only to spend the evening nestling quietly in Per's pocket.

  2. #2

    He's massively overrated. A Belgian Michael Ricketts.

  3. #3

    Tailor made for Liverpool then, I wouldve thought

  4. #4

    Well, it has been a long season for his 32-year old legs.

  5. #5

    Well, Ozil, Ramsey and Cazorla had the Villa midfield so tied up, they never really built

    solid first phase possession to allow them time to a) hit him and b) support him. I wouldn't be inclined to judge him on that performance.

    On the other hand, he's Belgian, and given the recent global hysteria over some utterly average plodders just because they're Belgian, I'm going to guess that he is, indeed, ****e.

    What is it with thew world and Belgian footballers at present? Has there been some sort of mass hypnosis?

  6. #6

    Are you still laid up?

    Hot water, honey and lemon with whisky. Cures anything.

  7. #7

    I need drugs. Actually managed a 1-hour spin on the bike yesterday afternoon

    and pulled a hamstring, again

  8. #8

    Stay in bed, sweat it out and rest your hamstring Judge Nurse

    3 or 4 weeks should cover it.

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