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Thread: So Chuka Umunna's thrown his hat in the ring. Thus uncovering his tiny, shiny head and sticky-out

  1. #1

    So Chuka Umunna's thrown his hat in the ring. Thus uncovering his tiny, shiny head and sticky-out


  2. #2

    I f**king hope not. My girlfriend has a massive girl-boner for him

    and starts involuntarily self-lubricating whenever he appears on television.

    Saying that, there's still a chance her ex-boyfriend of 8 years might end up Prime Minister, so the danger does not end with the pro-business slightly camp-looking Dion Dublin-a-like.

  3. #3

    It's descending into a loony leftie vs Blairite mongfest already Clound Nine

  4. #4

    She's Boris' ex? Yikes

    What a come down for her.

  5. #5

    Brilliant! They just can't help themselves. I love how 'aspiration' has become the codeword for

    'electable', by the way.

    Is there actually a realistic left-wing candidate, though? Surely they're all hiding?

  6. #6

    I was reading a Guardian article the other day about the Tory's supposed

    planned "cuts" to the Access to Work scheme for disablists.

    I downloaded the actual policy document and it turns out that what the DWP is proposing is to put a cap on the limit individuals can claim, so that they can distribute the allocated funds among A GREATER NUMBER of disablizers.

    Nowhere in the article was this mentioned.

  7. #7

    That would be problematic if every time she saw her ex on telly being statesmanlike, she then

    glanced at you, witheringly

  8. #8

    Shrug The Guardian, like other partisan newspapers, tells lies.

    The thing that irritates me is the claiming of the moral high ground whilst so doing.

  9. #9

    Thankfully, he is also a self-delusional narcissist with severe mummy issues

    which I hope is enough to convince her that she did well to end up with the poorest Jew in London

  10. #10

    Worse, she might look at Monty and say, 'He looks all collected and statesmanlike

    there, but let me tell you he looks entirely different whilst frantically pumping his seed down the back of my throat.'

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