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Thread: The Levellers were fantastic. Bow Bow i really needed that after last week.

  1. #1

    The Levellers were fantastic. Bow Bow i really needed that after last week.

    It was a strange old evening in colchester. There was music in the cafes at night and revolution in the air.

    Berni, Sir C, you have been warned

  2. #2

    Well today you can cheer yourself up by watching the two wings of the Labour party tearing lumps off

    each other.

    Seriously, though, are these chaps who keep proposing a shift further to the left as a way back to power *actually* mentally subnormal? I mean, the right wing of the Tory party may contain a fair number of headcases, but for sheer, pigheaded, delusional stupidity, the Labour left seems to have them beaten hands down.

    They put one in mind of a waiter who, on having food sent back for being too salty, then takes the food away, adds more salt and then wonders why the customer still isn't accepting it.

  3. #3

    So, riots in the West End and mutterings of revolution in Colchester?

    I really, really wish that these chaps would get their act together and foment some proper civil unrest.

    The thought of God's Own British Army being confronted by an army of unwashed idiots with dreads is one to fill the heart with joy, p.

  4. #4

    Were you not impressed by these righteous forces of the left sticking it to the man by

    spraypainting 'f**k Tory Scum' on a statue dedicated to the women of World War Two?

    Nice one lads. That'll show international capitalism.

  5. #5

    That's the caring left for you.

    Such charmers.

    The delightful Laurie Penny was firmly behind this action.

    They call us 'scum'.

  6. #6

    They are cursed with belief, b. i suppose you could form the view that the wipeout in scotland

    Was about the lack of a clear anti austerity message but even this is a misunderstanding. There is a bg difference between policy and message. Policy may be left wong or not, but a message is either clear or it isnt. It wasnt and you cant win unless it is.

    I think six months of bickering is fine. The important thing os to get the leadership right and the message right.

    Nobody will remember this in five years time particularly as the conservstives will punched themselves in the nuts more recently over the eu

  7. #7

    There would be fiddles as well. Nobody can resist a fiddle

  8. #8

    I didn't really see what their point was. Were they just rioting because democracy didn't go their

    way? Was there anything more to it than sheer petulance?

  9. #9

    Just catching up on all the election coverage; the best bit seems to have been

    Cameron apparently forgetting which football team he supports. Verily, this is the sort of opportunity his people would've been dreaming of!

    Why won't lefties get it that toffs behaving like toffs actually goes down well with the voters. It's extremely reassuring for them to learn that their leader, a man who has been fabulously wealthy all his life, has better things to think about than which soccerball club is which. That's the whole point.

  10. #10

    It is because they hate you, b. particularly you. Sir C as well

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