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Thread: So according to I've been successful in my registration for a Cup Final ticket

  1. #1

    So according to I've been successful in my registration for a Cup Final ticket

    :- I really, really don't want to go.

    In the past I've always been quite contemptuous of people who sell tickets for above face value, but given how much I despise our fans, I'm now thinking "f**k it".

  2. #2

    What sort of Jewish price were you thinking of?

  3. #3

    then donate it to a charity to reward a valuable member of staff

    a random act of kindness and a demonstration that despite your online persona you are not a complete c**t

  4. #4

    If I were to sell it, I'd do so for the very maximum I could get for it.

    What's your opening offer, me old cretin?

  5. #5

    Abide with me, she wore a yellow ribbon, 1st world problems, you can

    sing them all.

  6. #6

    Sell it to LA. Help out an AWIMB brother.

  7. #7

    Nono bad person

  8. #8

    ty BGM. I suspect Monty to be an evil Tout though

  9. #9

    :sigh: long gone are the days of giving away your cup final ticket to a worthy AWIMBer

    Whatever happened to Maputo???

  10. #10

    Come now, LA. He is simply in character.

    " I really, really don't want to go"

    Why f**king apply then.

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