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Thread: Wow, so that was bloody depressing

  1. #1

    Wow, so that was bloody depressing

    The highlight for me, from an admittedly weak field, was my old boss announcing Ed Balls' demise.

  2. #2

    The winning Tory must have made the worst ever acceptance speach

  3. #3

    A genuinely marvellous evening, j.

    I admit I wavered slightly yesterday as the horrific possibility of a leftist win started to weigh heavy on me, but ultimately my earlier feelings about things proved pretty accurate. Thank the Lord for that.

    Pollsters really are tossers.

  4. #4

    You must be pleased to see the back of galloway in Bradford at least?

  5. #5

    I was getting worried when I saw how many on Twitter were backing Labour

    but I guess Labour voters have more time on their hands to sit on Twitter all day on their iPhones

  6. #6

    Funny way to spell "horiffic" imo

    I didnt think Labour could get anywhere near a majority but I'm genuinely disappointed in the people of this country in voting that lot back in.

    I'm rather fearful, given what they did without a majority, about just what they'll do with their 12bn of secret welfare cuts.

  7. #7

    amazing night. cable, balls, galloway, farage, alexander all gone

    good not have got any better for the tories.

    (1) cameron will stay as pm till 2019 before handing over to a newer tory to fight the 2020 election
    (2)labour will elect blarite leader such as andy burnham or one of the 2010 breed.
    (3) lib dems will appoint tim farron leader of a broker party which take 20 years to recover as major national force
    (4) farage will quit as ukip leader and suazanne moore will become the leader
    (5) snp buble will burst and their lose seats in scotish election in 2016. sturgeon will be replaced as leader in 2018 by her snp depuliy

    (6) britain to stay in the eu after vote in 2017 to cameron relief and tory annoyance

  8. #8

    Absolutely, and the woman they elected is genuinely, genuinely very good

    It's not often I use the term inspirational, in fact this may be the first time, but her story is a real triumph over adversity.

    Good to have Galloway out too, we dont need that sort of divisiveness around here and he'll melt off back into the ether of russian state television and Press News now.

  9. #9

    Well a lot is explained by the odd way that Labour supporters seem to assume that everyone around

    them who doesn't have horns and a tail must also be Labour supporters and therefore mouth off about supporting Labour in a way tories simply don't. I've had it this morning with two women in my office who both came in and said something to the effect of 'Wasn't it a terrible evening?', apparently thinking I must be one of them - presumably because I don't eat babies or kick homeless people (much).

    So basically, Labour supporters shout about it and tory voters just vote tory and shut the f**k up about it the rest of the time.

  10. #10

    Nod I think middle England is not the Twitter type

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