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Thread: Following Germanwings thread below, a little bird tells me Marve's honeymoon flight is on Malaysian

  1. #1

    Following Germanwings thread below, a little bird tells me Marve's honeymoon flight is on Malaysian

    Airways. Mrs Marve-to-be said not to be too chuffed at that.

    Who doesn't love a bargain?

  2. #2

    Good airline, Malaysian.

    Cabin crew can be a little curt, but, you know, they're generally Malaysian.

    Can't see why she'd be unhappy.

  3. #3

    A few flights I had my eye on had gone down 50% in price the day after

    Not all doom and gloom.

  4. #4

    I wondered where he was going

    probably still will after flying Malaysian

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Yes, but having a plane crash is one thing. Could happen to anyone imo.

    Not being able to find the f**king thing afterwards speaks of an unacceptable degree of carelessness in my opinion, though.

  7. #7

    That's not the airline's fault, tbh.

    One might ask some pointed questions of the air forces of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, all of which seem to operate primary radar which is unable to track a f**k off great airliner.

    It beggars belief that no one knows.

  8. #8

    Yes. Sadly, Russian radar was more than capable of tracking one of their airliners, of course. Frown

    Perhaps they should have asked for some tips?

  9. #9

    Quite. One would expect that military radar, designed to track a tiny fighter at Mach 2

    would have little trouble with a 300 ton airliner trundling along at M0.82.

    Meanwhile, a bunch of shifty-looking Asian air force chaps look at their boots and shuffle off sideways, whistling nonchalantly.

    It stinks.

  10. #10

    So give me your best guess. Shot down and ham-fistedly covered up?

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