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Thread: Things which are better in the US than the UK.

  1. #1

    Things which are better in the US than the UK.

    In the movies, our hero and heroine order 'take out' to be delivered to their loft apartment in New York, and eat it with chopsticks from these:

    We get to drive down to the Sun Do and lean on the laminated counter reading a 3 day old Daily Mirror, then end up with this ****.

  2. #2

    Think i might have to get chicken balls and chips when i come over in May Clound Nine

    Curry sauce.

  3. #3

    Don't they have the chinee there, bgm?

  4. #4

    My girlf skyped me earliet to say she'd picked me up a massive lokshun pudding Clound Nine

    I'm currently practicing my fake 'grateful' face for when I discover it has sultanas in it

  5. #5

    You have the odd all you can eat place, lots of Thai restaurants. None of your places

    you described where you go in and ask for a 24, 43 etc...

    Nearly all the McDonalds have shut down here and there's just one drive through left

  6. #6

    our one does boxes like this one from jasmine garden london

  7. #7

    Blimey. No proper chinee, a lack of MaccyDs...

    best come home before it's too late.

  8. #8

    she meant she'd picked me up a massive shunt in her pudding Clound Nine

  9. #9

    It's never really appealed to me, the lokshen pudding. It looks so dull.

    It's dull, isn't it?

  10. #10


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