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Thread: letubewimb: So I'm on the underground train then this

  1. #1

    letubewimb: So I'm on the underground train then this

    *racist term removed* tries to get on when theres clearly no room and the press go mad. wtf?

  2. #2

    except there was room.. if you think that is full then try rush hour

  3. #3

    But it wasn't rush hour, P. The train was too full for him. Fair enough, he tried once but

    everyone found it too crowded so he was asked to get off first, I imagine. If he then refused he was helped out.

    At this point he should have been less impatient and waited for the next train. To try again and expect a different result from the already squashed passengers was a foolish move imo.

    In summary - he is an impatient little ****.

  4. #4

    Oh dear, if I should have expected any half brained idiot to reply you would have been first on the


    The train wasn't full, there was easily enough room to get someone else on.... when i lived in london I never saw anyone being pushed off a full train, you could either get on or not get on, once he was in the carriage he shouldn't be pushed out.

    I know this might be a biy hard for you to understand, but please give it a go

  5. #5


  6. #6

    Except with the comments you routinely make you weren't fishing

    in short, you're a cock

  7. #7

  8. #8

    I'm glad in your world you find yourself funny......

  9. #9

    Looking at the video, it'll be hard to prove that the big lump doing the pushing said anything

    that could be interpretted as racisim.
    Anti social behaviour but not much more. I've seen it a couple times over the years on the underground.
    The singing appeared to be coming from further within the carriage.

  10. #10

    To be fair, Rich, you shouldn't be proud that people believe you stupid enough to

    post this as a serious response.

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