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Thread: DrivingtomainlandEuropewimb. I understand some of you do so. It seems quite interesting to

  1. #1

    DrivingtomainlandEuropewimb. I understand some of you do so. It seems quite interesting to

    go for a drive to Northern Italy. Says it will take 10 hours. Would be a nice scenic drive.

    Is it worth while? or too much hassle, better to fly.

  2. #2

    I'd love to do that drive, then again I like that sort of stuff. People find it quite harrowing

    I'd probably give it a couple of years of driving before you try it my friend

  3. #3

    Did the Gorge de verdon in France one year. Harrowing is the word

    Don't get out of 2nd or 3rd gear. Lost about half a stone at the end of it

  4. #4

    Jorge has a point. What's the furthest you've driven?

    It gets tiring after a few hours. Does Mrs Telecaster drive too?

  5. #5

    I'll get us to Dover.

    she can do the driving on the other side.

  6. #6

    10 hours to Italy?

    Takes f**king 4-5 hours to get to Kerry.

  7. #7

    Furthest I've driven. To Leytonstone and back hehe

    I find it pretty tiring though as I am nervous as I am new.

    She can drive but she never driving in London. But she tried it last week and hates it so ever since I've done the driving.

  8. #8

    Give yourself an overnight. Long, uninterrupted drives aren't fun.

  9. #9

    No offence, f, but I wouldn't trust an Italian to drive me safely to the end of the street..

    Let alone halfway across Europe.

  10. #10

    This is why I am confused.

    She's terrified of driving in London.

    But over there they don't wear seatbelts. park anywhere they like, drink drive, drive on pavements and don't stop.

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