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Thread: Nope, not patronising at all. Driving around in a **** bus and talking around kitchen tables

  1. #1

    Nope, not patronising at all. Driving around in a **** bus and talking around kitchen tables

  2. #2

    On the plus side, the garish colour will mean that anyone sensible will see Harman's Harpies coming

    from a mile off and make themselves extremely scarce.

  3. #3

    But it's not the chattering classes who will elect them; it's the Daily Mail reading masses.

    Many of those women don't share current right-on views about which colours they should object to on political grounds.

  4. #4

    If only the colour of the bus was the main problem

    It's just patronising, wrongheaded nonsense from start to finish.

    I mean, seriously, I don't know a woman who is sat around a kitchen table of a daytime, what's more women's issues are people's issues, what with them being 50pc of the people.

  5. #5

    I agree, but there remains an audience for this sort of thing.

  6. #6

    The Daily Mail readers don't care who run the country as long as they have been

    snapped in a bikini by the paparazzi, sir c

  7. #7

    Have you checked your PMs?

  8. #8

    Imagine thinking Harperson would convince anybody to do anything

  9. #9

    I'm not sure there is, even 80pc of Guardian readers think it's patronising

  10. #10

    I forgot that p*nk is censored on here

    and wondered if driving around in a c*nt bus was that good of an idea, however having now realised the situation, mine was better.

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