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Thread: Who knows anything about tents?

  1. #1

    Who knows anything about tents?

    I wish to place a hide in a field for bird-watching. My plan is to put up a tent and cover it in camo netting. The trouble is that I'm not to assemble and disassmble the ******* all the time - how long can I leave a tent up before it rots away?

  2. #2

    couple of months but it would look pretty **** get a cheap shed

    or such like imo

  3. #3

    Birdwatching? Frown

    I saw some of these people in action yesterday. Thermos flasks, meat paste sandwiches, tripods and a lot of cagoules. If there was one of them who wasn't on the sex offenders' register, I'd be very surprised.

    You do not want to be one of them.

  4. #4

    That would need a concrete slab though.

    I can't be arsing around with concrete slabs.

  5. #5

    It's the glw.

    She's mad for it. Always has heen. I've been out in the bush mesmerised by a pack of very rare African Hunting Dogs while she's getting all excited about a white-browed sparrow weaver.


    On the other hand, i really, really want to sleep in a tent in that field.

  6. #6

  7. #7

    I see. Weird, but OK. Can't you just pop down to Cotswold in the Nugent and ask one of the men?

    Careful, though, because there's a smelly man in there.

  8. #8

    I'm feart of the people in there.

    They're so... outdoorsy.

  9. #9

    Well the smelly one needs to be outdoors a bit more if you ask me.

    Chucks up alarming, he does.

    You want this sort of thing, yes?

  10. #10

    Like that, but a bit bigger.

    I'll need a birdwatching area, a reading area, a bedroom and, naturally, shower facilities.

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