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Thread: You don't realise quite how much you're used to traffic noise until it's not there, do you?

  1. #1

    You don't realise quite how much you're used to traffic noise until it's not there, do you?

    It's quiet out in the sticks. Too quiet.

  2. #2

    Injun country?

  3. #3

    Where do you live now b? You will have proper unpolluted air now won't you

  4. #4

    You get used to it. I couldn't go back to living in a city.

  5. #5

    Place called Ware in Hertfordshire. Not exactly Wuthering Heights, but more countryfied than I'm

    used to.

  6. #6

    Only in the local tandoori.

    Other than takeaway workers, it's pretty uniformly white.

    There is a gravestone of a chap in the local churchyard who claimed to be 148 years old when he finally turned up his toes, though.

  7. #7



    You'll get used to people saying that

  8. #8

    Oh, it's already really old. 'Where have you moved to?' 'Ware' 'Yes, that's what I want to know'

    It's a regular Abbott and Costello routine.

  9. #9

    I know it, Hanbury Manor Golf and Country club.. been there for a weekend with the mrs

    few spa treatments for her and very nice (but expensive) food

    Using Sir C's rules, you now live up North

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Dunno, moved out to a neighbouring town of Ware (Hertford), 10 years ago

    been increasingly hankering for the city life for the last couple of years.

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