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Thread: Could someone please explain something to me? I would like to better understand how these muslims

  1. #1

    Could someone please explain something to me? I would like to better understand how these muslims

    that shot the innocent Frenches managed to simply drive out of the city after the incident?

    How did not a single police car follow them?

    How can they not pick them up on CCTV on the way to their final destination.

    There is absolutely no way that this would have happened in London (the escape, I mean. Although the attack would probably be less likely here too). They were at the offices for a sustained period of time. Within minutes of something like that happening in London the local area would be swarming with SCO19 Met Police.

    I'm afraid it smacks of the typical French cowardice that we've seen in recent history.

  2. #2

    The police cars where in the local music shop having their sirens tuned.

  3. #3

    Relax. They killed the French. S'all good.

  4. #4

    Mosad can do what they want Rich

    the french shouldnt have wound them up by recognising palestine imo.. Nethenyau said it was a grave mistake. they dont mess about

  5. #5

  6. #6

    New tin-foil hat for Christmas, s?

  7. #7

    Surely the Gendarmerie are beginning to realise that they are going to have some difficult

    questions to answer?

  8. #8

    Does seem very odd to me, r, particularly as they had a shootout with the police on the way out

    But who knows the full picture - seems they might have their men now. Perhaps in letting them "escape" they were hoping to expose the wider ring of accomplices. Je ne sais pas

  9. #9

    Apart from the fact that most of the 21/7 failed bomb plot guys initially got away, of course

  10. #10

    hehe it was a tap in LA couldnt let it pass Smile needed a hat this soak

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