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Thread: Suspended sentence for DLT.

  1. #1

    Suspended sentence for DLT.

    That seems about right, doesn't it? Despite him being a Very Strange Man.

  2. #2

    What's for lunch today Sir?

  3. #3

    he loves suspenders imo

  4. #4

    Lunch? Today? I hadn't yet considered.

    Heavy weekend coming, so it will be 400 calories from M&S low fat area

  5. #5

    Very harsh for a bit of tit groping...

    The stuff I saw City traders do to the female back office staff back in the day - DLTs crime pales by comparison..

  6. #6

    Hmm, I'd have said a custodial sentence would have been harsh.

    Suspended seems about right.

  7. #7

    I preferred the 'gropping' spelling. tbh.

    And the fact that city traders do worse isn't really the point. They're generally subhuman filth, so they're hardly a benchmark.

  8. #8

    I would say so. I suppose an example of sorts has been made.

    And, given what he's almost certainly got away with over the years, I'd say he's been lucky.

  9. #9

    Listened to some old rockbusters yesterday hehe That fella, he don't like women but has got kids.

    That's a bit weird innit?" Initials are P D.

  10. #10

    hehe Poof daddy.

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