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Thread: I fear for the Jag

  1. #1

    I fear for the Jag

    I was burglarised last night and the f**kers nicked it, they also took my MacBook Pro too, and my Moleskine notepad.

    Say what you like about West Yorkshire but you have to admire the taste of the burglars up here.

  2. #2

    Oh, j! I'm so sorry!

    Still, if you will live among savages...

  3. #3

    Frown Commiserations, Jorge.

    Do the omnipresent surveillance cameras on our streets make it easier for Old William to catch car thieves now, or are they just for enforcing parking offences?

  4. #4

    I didn't think people bothered nicking cars any more.

  5. #5

    This is my first Yorkshire burglary

    I still remember the time I caught one breaking into my flat in Stoke Newington

  6. #6

    Cheers, Ash. What do you think?

  7. #7

    Bad business.

  8. #8

    'Yorkshire burglary' sounds like something that happens in prison. Frown

    Well at least with the insurance money you'll be able to get something slightly less 'Area Manager for Allied Carpets' than a Jag, eh?

  9. #9

    Never. Ever. Ever. Speak ill of the Jag, b

    That's the thing, my one was the only model ever that didn't have that midlands golf club vibe about it.

    I was like Johnny Cash whereas the other Jags were just other country singers

  10. #10

    Diabolical liberty.. You'll have to have a round up j.

    You can't trust no one..

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