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Thread: Can everyone just stop this ice bucket **** now, please

  1. #1

    Can everyone just stop this ice bucket **** now, please

    The internet seems like the perfect vehicle for charity c**ts (chunts?) and the easily led/amused to come together and be irritating, doesn't it?

  2. #2

    It is beyond silly.

    My Mrs has been nominated to do it, by the neighbour 2 doors up who herself did it in her back garden.

    f**king sap.

  3. #3

    Even the terminology grates, it's 'dared' basically

    what sort of grown up goes around daring people to do stuff?

  4. #4


  5. #5

    There's a point, he's been keeping his nut down since Yewtree

  6. #6


    If they really want to take it seriously it should be a double dare.

  7. #7

    Fortunately, by eschewing social media, I tend not to hear about these things until they're almost

    over. I highly recommend it as a tedious, unoriginal c**t-avoidance strategy.

  8. #8

    Mmmm. The fire challenge was far more entertaining:

  9. #9

    Nod No returnsies double infinity

  10. #10

    I wish the *******s would just "Go east"

    A term which I have duly adopted as a synonym for "f**k off"


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