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Thread: What is it that football pundits and commentators find so endlessly risible about the entirely

  1. #1

    What is it that football pundits and commentators find so endlessly risible about the entirely

    sensible and long overdue innovation that is this white spray used to stop players encroaching? Tyldesley was at it last night, using a tone of patronising and bemused contempt I imagine he usually reserves for discussion of gay marriage and 'the PC brigade' in his private conversations.

    Seriously, change can be a good thing, you f**king dinosaurs.

  2. #2

    I like the way Phil Neville calls it 'imaginary spray'

  3. #3

    Ah yes, the 'vanishing' spray, with the emphasis on 'vanishing', as if it's a device

    from a Harry Potter novel.

  4. #4

    I was more bemused with the fans finding it hysterical and applauding every time the spray was used

    at the weekend. At every single match the supporters did that.

    I am probably just being a miserable ****, though. But really, it isn't all that funny is it?

  5. #5

    Fans are brainless bovines who simply follow what the likes of Lineker and Tyldesley tell them.

    They have no capability for independent thought.

  6. #6

    There is something mildly humourous about it imo.

  7. #7

    It does suggest that they're a bit scared of it, doesn't it? hehe

    That, if they didn't laugh at it, they'd be forced to worship it as a f**king deity.

    Do they not realise how stupid they sound?

  8. #8

    More importantly B, where do you meet these young public school chaps that affect west

    indian patois and how much do they charge?

  9. #9

    Nod And it's such an eminently sensible idea; simple and effective.

  10. #10

    They are friends of my daughter.

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