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Thread: My friend and i decided it would be fun to see a movie since its summer

  1. #1

    My friend and i decided it would be fun to see a movie since its summer

    About an hour into the movie i really had to go to the bathroom. She said she did too. We were at the bottom of the theater so we went down and around. I didn’t want to block anyone’s view so i ducked my head down, and sure enough i didn’t see the step in front of me and i skid me knee. I heard a couple of people laugh at me, but i ran like nothing happened. I was so embarrassed.

  2. #2

    I quite fancy going to see DOTPOTA this weekend.

    Although there's still no explanation of how come these f**king chimps can suddenly speak.

  3. #3

    snow piercer was top class

    Excellent film that you should check out Bern.

  4. #4

    Rub chin It seems to have a lot of asian types in it, though. I generally don't like films with or

    by Asians. It's not racism, it's just that their films are mostly ****.

  5. #5

    I'm boycotting the whole thing since I found out it wasn't Johnson from Peep Show

  6. #6

    Jesus. j! Are you saying that all black people look like apes to you?! Frown

    He's CGI Andy Serkis, ffs! You disgust me. You've been living in rural Yorkshire too long.

    You'd better hope Headgear doesn't see this or you'll be out on your arse.

  7. #7

    I'm so colourblind the rich seam of racialism didn't even occur to me

    It turned out it was some nobody from Spooks (more for the rich seam) which is apparently a minor bbc show, and not JLB's premier ball breaker and big swinging dick.

  8. #8

    Backpedal as furiously as you like, I know what you meant. Shake head

    Actually, the first movie would have been much funnier if Johnson had played the rather tiresome and goody-goody chimp.

  9. #9

    It's awful, B, don't do it.

  10. #10

    Frown Really? Mark Kermode seemed to like it. And he is usually reliable.

    What didn't you like? Was it all the apes?

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