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Thread: Are there fitness requirements for coppers?

  1. #1

    Are there fitness requirements for coppers?

    I saw a man running down the street at i'd say casual jogging speed you might run for the bus at this type of pace)

    He was a weird chap no shirt on carring a big metal pipe and hair like sideshow bob.

    He was being chased by about 6 coppers none of them could get anywhere near him. he ran through the cars and then into the park.

    about 1 minute later one more copper turns up clearly way behind the pace and completely knackered.

    Is this normal?

    Of course this was followed by 4 Police vans storming past a few minutes later. Do they send even more backup when they are embarrassed?

  2. #2

    I went to New York recently and you wouldn't believe the size of the cops waddling around on the

    streets. Unbelievable, Geoff
    They do have guns, though, I guess so maybe that invalidates the argument for any kind of physical fitness.

  3. #3

    I think so, but the assumption is always that the criminals will generally be faster.

    That's why they invented tasers.

  4. #4

    Right. As with coursing, the hare must always be allowed the advantage, otherwise it's not sport.

  5. #5

    Smile I remember seeing a huge cop in Wall Street with the gun on his massive belt flapping around

    I was thinking if somebody wanted to grab it he'd have no chance.

  6. #6

    Maybe it's a bit like when you pass your driving test. You drive however the f**k you want


    So when you join the police you are fit then you do what you like.

  7. #7

    Most police officers in the western world carry firearms. Their problem is,

    none of them get enough use. Largely symbolic, ceremonial.

  8. #8

    Pretty much, yes. Also, the police tend to rely on procedure, teamwork and

    overwhelming numbers, rather than individuals.

    In those situations, at least.

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