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Thread: What on earth is Jack doing with that chap in the pool?

  1. #1

    What on earth is Jack doing with that chap in the pool?


  2. #2

    What on earth is Jack doing in your pool?

    What pool, where?

  3. #3

    it upsets me to see what an idiot we have raised, sir c.

  4. #4

    But a wonderfully enlightened society that allows the pair of you to do so, even if you have bodged

    Thick footballer. Shock horror

  5. #5

    Don't ask me difficult questions.

    It's my first morning back and work and I'm not on the best of form.

    How's the ol' leg?

  6. #6

    Isn't it Joe Hart? Classic case of footballers who don't often have a chance to drink not being

    able to handle the sauce.

  7. #7

    The modern footballer is not very good at the whole drinking thing

    quite amusing though

  8. #8

    Worst feeling in the world, sitting there the first morning after a holiday

    I am certain everybody spends the first 2 days back to work ruminating about how to spend the rest of their life on holiday and how they are wasting their time at work. ;;Life has to mean more''

    Of course by day three it is all forgotten and back to the grindstone etc.

    My left foot is fine. Broken but nothing to be done about it other than look wistfully out of the window at the blue skies and sigh, softly.

  9. #9

    You need to watch a couple of films, mate

  10. #10

    Nod Me too, all very depressing

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