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Thread: Greg Mitchell would have had a thing or two to say about the constant high-pitched shrieking

  1. #1

    Greg Mitchell would have had a thing or two to say about the constant high-pitched shrieking

    from the, erm, audience.

  2. #2

    Remember the South Korea/Japan World Cup? Yikes

  3. #3

    It sounds like when they used to have the schoolboy internationals at the old Wembley.

    Crowds of 40000-50000 schoolkids.

  4. #4

    Nod I went to one of them.

    I remember being a bit shocked how the players all charged around after the ball like we did on the playground.

  5. #5

    That's England for ya hehe

  6. #6

    Nod I remember them - used to show them on World of Sport iirc. They also had one at

    St James Park for some reason which I went to. THE St James Park btw, in Exeter.

  7. #7

    Me too in 83, my schoolmate captained them a couple of times.

    So a school trip was arranged, it was carnage(well were 14 & full of cheap booze) but I do remember it was where I first heard the Derek & Clive tapes.

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