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Thread: Greece really are the Stoke of European football aren't they?

  1. #1

    Greece really are the Stoke of European football aren't they?

  2. #2

    Honda is really driving Japan forward Driving

  3. #3

    Accord-ing to you...looks like he's in reverse to me

  4. #4

    He's doing his Civic duty. Shrug

  5. #5

    I never tire of car puns Thumb Up

  6. #6

    And this is only a prelude...wait till the dayshift (scum) get their hands on it

  7. #7

    He is very Fit tbf to the lad ..I'll stop now

  8. #8

    Yeah, seriously, you need to give it a brake

  9. #9

    That's an Acura assessment

  10. #10

    Time to shift your Focus to something else, man

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