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Thread: They say football isn't half as good as it was but, jesus, formula one and boxing used to be ace

  1. #1

    They say football isn't half as good as it was but, jesus, formula one and boxing used to be ace

    What happened? Cant we see utter carnage on a human level any more? I rather liked that we maintained a gladiatorial element to our society, like we had these super humans without fear.

    Ubermenschen for the modern age.

  2. #2

    Volleyball on nude beaches used to be great too, before the obesity epidemic.

  3. #3

    There's plenty of human carnage around these days.

    Just generally outside the sporting world.

  4. #4

    Ozzie rules is good for a bit of carnage as is the Ice Hockey

  5. #5

    It's still a rather good game now, as minority sports go it's a corker

  6. #6

    That's not changed either, maybe the solution to world peace is putting rockets in formula one

  7. #7

  8. #8

    Or maybe armed kabbadi? Bound to be an audience on Sky...

  9. #9


  10. #10

    It's hypnotic, isn't it?

    You can't beat open wheelers on ovals for the genuine possibility of violent, fiery death.

    Dan Wheldon had balls of steel, and they cost him his life. RIP Dan

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