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Thread: Hey Mr Boston Sir, can you vouch for you whereabouts?

  1. #1

    Hey Mr Boston Sir, can you vouch for you whereabouts?

    Where were you on April 7th
    This is in my local paper.

    Infamous ‘Boston Tickler’ is REAL

    Police are hunting an intruder dubbed the Boston Tickler, who has struck at least 10 times in two years.
    A MAN has been breaking into the homes of students who live near Boston College and watching them sleep or tickling their feet, police and several alleged victims have confirmed.

    There have been at least 10 confirmed sightings of the so-called Boston Tickler, who some in the neighbourhood had long believed to be a myth. At least three students reported having encountered him on the same night, April 7.

    “This is no myth,” Boston Police Sergeant Michael O’Hara said.

  2. #2

    Was the tickler a thick ginger builder who barely can make himself understood...

    If yes it could wekk be him, the thick paddy****

  3. #3

    20 miles outside of Boston, USA.

    He must have very long arms.

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