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Thread: Sninhosa aka Jorge, your incessant tedious suggestions that I am modd are getting rather tiresome

  1. #1

    Sninhosa aka Jorge, your incessant tedious suggestions that I am modd are getting rather tiresome

    As I once said, I am here on behalf of modd, endeavouring to erase the symbolic debt still lingering after the ostracization of the poor lad. I have been lurking this board for years and years and was shocked to see no modd following the FA cup triumph because he'd been hounded away.

    Hence the name; Antigone embodied a fascinating state of sublime beauty when she entered 'between two deaths' in Lacanian parlance (i.e. the domain between symbolic and actual, real life death).
    What is constitutive of her innermost being is her insistence on a certain unconditional demand on which she is not prepared to cede: a proper burial for her brother.

    Consider it a trauma that AWIMB has suffered and which has yet to be symbolized and worked through. There is a need to inscribe the injustice done to modd into the symbolic text or else the specter of modd will continue to haunt this board.

    I won't stop until he's back or his detractors are repentant as he provided me with many a laugh in his post-match euphoria-induced delirium, and the subsequent indignation he engendered was shameful even if he did slightly go off the rails sometimes (as in the aftermath of City winning the league ).

    So go suck an egg, you boring ****

    I now realize this is a very modd-esque post

  2. #2

    'Specter'? 'ostracized'? 'realize'? You sir/madam, are a f**king septic.

    However, I applaud your pro-modd stance. Carry on.

  3. #3

    Very sesquipedalian too, you ********.

    Alright modd

  4. #4

    English isn't my first language and I tend toward American English spelling Shrug

    Pedantic ****

  5. #5

    Why the S on 'bostonbrian'?


  6. #6

    No need to take offence. I called you a f**king septic in a spirit of amity.

    I like the cut of your jib. Your jib pleases me greatly, in fact.

  7. #7

    Or you put it through Google translate, eh bostonbrian?

    Still love that if you post ******** without capitalising it comes out as bostonbrian.

  8. #8

    You're confusing him with me.

  9. #9

    WD 71guns or heedcase, I discovered this after the play off final.

    It cheered me right up after Wembley. :easilypleased:

  10. #10

    bostonbrian is a ******** WTF! hehe

    There was another like that I came across ages ago , what the fack was it??

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